Terms and Conditions
- All enrolments and bookings are subject to the child/ren’s enrolment form being completed in full and submitted to OOSH Northern Beaches, and after full assessment of the information provided.
- The information provided in my child/ren’s enrolment with OOSH Northern Beaches is to the best of my knowledge correct and I agree to provide all information regarding my child/ren’s health. I agree to log in to the parent portal of My Family Lounge annually to check my information and I am responsible for immediately informing Head Office if there are any changes to the information provided by me in said enrolment by updating my child/ren’s enrolment form through the parent portal in my “My Family Lounge” account (QK Enrol) or by email to [email protected]. I am also responsible to notify OOSH Northern Beaches of any changes to my family’s circumstances.
- I acknowledge that when caring for my child/ren, the Centre (Kids Club) staff will rely on the information provided by me in my child/ren’s enrolment and any subsequent change of information provided by me.
- I am totally responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in my child/ren’s enrolment and my compliance with the Policies and Procedures of the Centre (Kids Club).
- I acknowledge all emergency contacts must be provided and kept up to date by me.
- I acknowledge that all people named on my child/ren’s enrolment have been notified by me as required by the Privacy Act 1998, which came into force in December 2001.
- I am totally responsible for the suitability and actions of any person/persons whom I authorise to visit, deliver, and/or collect my child/ren to/from the Centre (Kids Club) or any other place (including Vacation Care).
- I understand that neither OOSH Northern Beaches nor any of its representatives will be held responsible for not being able to contact any listed parents/guardians/authorised collectors if they have not been advised of any changes to any contact details listed on my child/ren’s enrolment.
- Parents/guardians are to maintain appropriate and respectful communication towards all staff of OOSH Northern Beaches and within the Centre (Kids Club), and are NOT to use loud, abusive, aggressive and threatening behaviour and/or language. Parents/guardians should not approach any child other than their own whilst at the Centre (Kids Club).
- I understand that by submitting my child/ren’s enrolment form I acknowledge that I have read and understood any acknowledgements and consents, declarations and indemnities, and all conditions contained in my child/ren’s enrolment.
- I understand that the person/s nominated as parent/guardian are the authorised parties to enrol, cancel enrolment, release and authorise release of my child/ren, to make, amend and/or cancel bookings.
- Where individual parents hold separate accounts, I understand that Enrolment procedures must be completed by EACH parent.
Permanent Bookings
- Permanent bookings are for the current year only
- Kindergarten children have a guaranteed place for permanent bookings in their first year at school as long as their enrolment is submitted to us and permanent booking requests are received and accepted by 30th November of the preceding school year.
- All bookings are closed off at the end of each year and all places will become vacant. Due to demand, several days may reach capacity, so permanent booking requests for the following year have first priority and will be allocated on a “first come first served” basis. All permanent and casual bookings will be subject to availability. It is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to request their bookings for the following school year through the parent portal in “My Family Lounge” (QK Enrol).
- It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to check their permanent bookings at the start of each term via the parent portal in “My Family Lounge” (QK Enrol), or by contacting OOSH Northern Beaches Head Office, and make any necessary changes or cancellations with 14 days’ notice otherwise bookings will automatically roll-over into the next term (except for a new school year) and fees will still apply.
- Any new or amendment to permanent bookings must be requested online through the parent portal in “My Family Lounge” (QK Enrol) by logging in via our website at ooshnb.com.au (this cannot be done in the MFL phone app) with at least 14 days’ notice prior to the commencement date of that change, otherwise you will only be able to mark your child absent and fees will still apply. Subsequent booking offers made by OOSH Northern Beaches must be accepted through the parent portal otherwise the changes will not be updated. Alternatively contact can be made to Head Office via email at [email protected] with at least 14 days’ notice. Informing a staff member verbally is considered a courtesy and does not constitute notification.
- If you have advised OOSH Northern Beaches that your child will start our service on a particular date but your child is absent on their first session of care, under Family Assistance legislation you will not be eligible to receive Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for those days they are absent and full fees will apply. CCS will not be paid until a child physically attends a session of care and will not be paid for absences for booked days after a child last physically attends a session of care.
- Bookings cannot be guaranteed if there are any outstanding accounts for ANY previous session of care. Your child’s bookings can be cancelled due to outstanding accounts.
- IMPORTANT. Children who are third priority under the “Priority of Access Guidelines” may be required to alter their days or give up their place at the Centre (Kids Club) in order to provide a place for a higher priority child. The priorities are as follows:
- First Priority: a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.
- Second Priority: a child of a single parent who satisfies, or a parent who both satisfy, the work, training, study test.
- Third Priority: any other child.
Permanent Absences
- Permanent bookings are for the current year only and therefore no refunds or credit will be given for any absences unless 14 days’ notice is received. However, under certain circumstances refunds or credits may be given at the discretion of Head Office.
- It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the Centre (Kids Club) of a non-attendance/absence on any given day via the parent portal in “My Family Lounge” (QK Enrol), for casual bookings only this can also be done online by logging in to “My Family Lounge” via our website. Absences can be marked through “My Family Lounge” up until 2:30pm. After 2:30pm the relevant Centre will need to be contacted directly. Fees still apply for any absences. Alternatively, this can be done by emailing the relevant Centre direct and cc’ing [email protected], or in urgent/late cases by telephoning the relevant Centre or Head Office. It is not acceptable to contact the relevant school only, the Centre (Kids Club) must be notified as well. If a staff member has to telephone to verify/confirm the absence of a child at roll call, a $5 fee applies and will be charged to your account on the day.
- In shared care arrangements (where separated parents both claim Child Care Subsidy for the child’s care), the allocation of 42 absences relates to the child, not to each individual claimant.
Permanent Cancellations
- Any permanent cancellation of permanent bookings cannot be made through the parent portal in “My Family Lounge” and must be made in writing to Head Office via email at [email protected] with at least 14 days’ notice, otherwise your child will be marked absent and fees will still apply. Informing a staff member verbally is considered a courtesy and does not constitute notification.
- If you have advised OOSH Northern Beaches that your child will leave our service (cease use) on a particular date but your child is absent on their last session of care, under Family Assistance legislation you will not be eligible to receive Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for those days they are absent and full fees will apply. CCS will not be paid until a child physically attends a session of care and will not be paid for absences for booked days after a child last physically attends a session of care.
Casual Bookings and Cancellations
- I understand that care may be provided subject to availability on a casual or flexible basis (in addition to, or instead of, a permanent basis.) I have reviewed and understand the location, contact details and session times of the Kids Club Centre in which I am enrolling my child, which is subject to change from time to time by the Licensee at its sole discretion, and the details are available to view at ooshnb.com.au/about-us/locations/
- Repeat Casual Bookings will be considered as permanent bookings and will be required to change to permanent bookings.
- Any cancellation of casual bookings must be made through the parent portal in “My Family Lounge” (via the phone app or online through our website) with not less than 14 full days’ notice, otherwise you will only be able to mark your child absent and fees will still apply.
Vacation Care/Pupil Free Day Bookings and Cancellations
- Vacation Care rolls are opened for booking in Week 7 of the preceding term and all Vacation Care bookings are subject to availability as our program tends to fill up very quickly. OOSH Northern Beaches cannot be held responsible if you do not receive a place on your choice of day.
- We do not operate a waitlist for Vacation Care bookings as changes can be made by other parents through their My Family Lounge account at any time of the day or night so it is the parent’s responsibility to monitor the casual booking calendar for any vacancies that may occur if they have originally missed out on their choice of day.
- Any absent days of vacation care/pupil free day bookings must be made through the parent portal in “My Family Lounge” (via the phone app or online through our website). No cancellations for vacation care/pupil free day is available, you will only be able to mark your child absent and fees will still apply.
Vacation Care/Pupil Free Day Payments
- The only payment option available for Vacation Care/Pupil Free Days is by using direct debit from either your bank account or credit card. The direct debit fortnightly schedule continues on the same cycle as before and after school care above and can include payment for any outstanding term fees. Upfront payment via direct debit for the entire vacation care program and pupil free days is also available by arrangement.
Sign in/out for children
- Each child must be signed in for Before School Care and signed out for After School Care and signed in and out for Vacation Care/Pupil Free Day by a parent/guardian or authorised nominee, via their own PIN, by using QK Kiosk through the tablet provided at the Centre. If a staff member is required to sign your child in or out you will need to confirm the attendance next time you log in to QK Kiosk.
- Centre hours must be strictly adhered to, and the details are available to view at ooshnb.com.au/about-us/locations/
- I acknowledge that OOSH Northern Beaches reserves the right to terminate my child’s enrolment due to the inability to meet my child’s needs without additional staff.
- OOSH Northern Beaches reserves the right to cancel the enrolment of any child who, in the opinion of the Licensee, has not co-operated with the Centre (Kids Club) and its rules or whose parent/guardian has breached our terms and conditions and/or not co-operated with the Centre (Kids Club) and its rules.
- I understand that for all families enrolling with OOSH Northern Beaches there is an annual family enrolment fee payable for each Centre (Kids Club) for each school year and will be charged to my account at the commencement of each calendar year (or upon the first booking during that year).
- I have reviewed and understand that I am liable to pay all fees and charges for the care of my child, which are subject to change from time to time by the Licensee at its sole discretion. This information is available in the Policy Document of OOSH Northern Beaches (Kids Club) which is available upon request, or are available to view at ooshnb.com.au/about-us/fees/
- The only payment option available is by using direct debit from either your bank account or credit card. The direct debit charge occurs fortnightly on Tuesdays as from 3rd July 2018 and is in arrears payment for the previous two weeks. This follows the Government’s mandated CCS fortnightly schedule and direct debit payments will be processed the following day. Bookings will not be valid and therefore a place is not guaranteed unless Direct Debit details have been provided. Statements are also available via email request at [email protected] or upon request at the Centre
- Extra and/or late bookings/late changes for bookings made within 24 hours of requirement may attract a $2.00 admin fee.
- Any after school care or vacation care pick-ups after 6:00pm will incur a $20 fee for the first 10 minutes, plus an additional $20 fee for every 10 minutes thereafter or part thereof. Continuing to pick up the child past the required licensed time may result in termination of the child’s enrolment.
- Any outstanding monies at the end of a term will be automatically deducted from your authorised account, as per your direct debit authority.
- A $10.00 account service fee applies if an account is outside OOSH Northern Beaches’ trading terms and a further charge of $2.00 per week thereafter applies whilst the account remains outstanding.
- Non-payment of childcare or late fees and/or recurring late payment of fees may also result in termination of the child’s enrolment.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
- To receive the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to create or access their Centrelink online account via www.my.gov.au to lodge a Child Care Subsidy Claim for their child, if they meet the eligibility requirements. The Child Care Subsidy can be backdated up to a maximum of 14 days only. The parent/guardian must provide OOSH Northern Beaches their date of birth and Customer Reference Number (CRN) plus the date of birth and CRN for each child they are enrolling (CRN’s are unique to each individual) so their child can be enrolled with Centrelink for CCS purposes. The parent/guardian must confirm their child’s enrolment with OOSH Northern Beaches through Centrelink, via myGov, before the Child Care Subsidy will be paid by Centrelink, otherwise full fees will apply. The enrolment start date will show as the date the parent/guardian entered into an arrangement with OOSH Northern Beaches to provide care for their child and not necessarily the child’s first day of care. Further information can be obtained by contacting Centrelink on 136150.
Illness/Medical Emergency
- I am aware that my child/ren will be excluded from the Centre (Kids Club) and its program if he/she has/have contracted a contagious disease or condition and will be accepted back into the Centre (Kids Club) and its program upon provision of a “clearance certificate” for the child/ren from a medical practitioner.
- I acknowledge that authorisation is given by me for the Licensee, all staff of the ‘Kids Club” it’s officers, authorised person/s, servants or agents in the event of an emergency, accident, or illness, to obtain such dentist, ambulance, medical and hospital assistance as required, and I agree to meet any and all expenses thereby incurred, including a $35 per hour charge for labour if a staff member is required to accompany my child/ren to seek medical attention.
- I am aware that the Centre (Kids Club) may occasionally have visitors or volunteers at the Centre (Kids Club) and consent to my child/ren being in the presence of said visitors or volunteers, with the Centre’s (Kids Club) appropriate supervision, and that all visitors or volunteers will be made aware of the Centre’s “Code of Conduct”.
- I acknowledge that the Centre’s Policies and Procedures incorporate any relevant statutory obligations imposed on the Centre (Kids Club) and have been put in place to assist with protecting my child/ren.
- I have received, read and understood the Centre’s Family Handbook or I am aware it is available from Head Office by requesting a copy via email to [email protected].
Disclaimer/Informed Consent
- I acknowledge that I have read, and I am aware of the existence, of the Centre’s Policies and Procedures, which forms part of this agreement, and which may be changed by notice from time to time by the Licensee at its sole discretion.
- For general enquiries contact your relevant Centre (Kids Club) direct. Head Office is able to be contacted during normal business hours only (9.00am – 5.00pm) unless for urgent enquiries/emergencies.