Troubleshooting Guide

How do I register for My Family Lounge?

If you do not currently have a My Family Lounge (MFL) account please visit our website at Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on the “register” button.

If you do have an existing My Family Lounge account that you used with a previous Provider please log in (do not click register) to your My Family Lounge account via our website and select OOSH Northern Beaches from the drop down list at the top of the page.

What happens after I register?
You will receive an email from an email address of [email protected] inviting you to click on the “complete registration” button. You must complete the registration process with My Family Lounge within 7 days of receiving that email. Once your registration with My Family Lounge is complete you will be able to log on to your account and view your Enrolment Management page in QK Enrol.

I am getting an invalid token message?
This is due to you not completing your registration with My Family Lounge within 7 days. Click on the register button again on our website to start the process over.

My children already attend OOSH Northern Beaches. Do I need to enrol them online?
If your child already attends OOSH Northern Beaches there is no need to enrol again as it is a once- off process per child. However you can view and edit your child’s enrolment form at a later date to make any necessary changes (i.e. change of address, etc.) and re-submit your form. Any younger siblings not yet attending will need to be added to your MFL account and their own enrolment form completed online.

What should I have ready before enrolling my children online?

We only accept direct debit payments either to a credit card or bank account so ensure you have these details handy when completing the enrolment form. The enrolment form must be completed in full, including all mandatory questions marked with a red asterisk, otherwise you may not be able to save it and could lose any information you may have already entered.

We will also require you to upload your child’s immunisation statement (available online through Medicare) or other evidence of immunisation or exemption, any applicable Court Orders and any applicable Action Plans. These are not mandatory so will not block you from enrolling if you do not have them available upon enrolment but they must be uploaded at a later date for our records, as determined by Statutory obligations and to ensure your child’s safety.

Which Service should I enrol my child in?

Before and/or after school care: Please select the Service that your child will be attending at those times.

Vacation care: If you child/ren will only be attending Vacation Care please select either Cromer or St Johns as your service (we do not run Vacation Care at our other locations). They both run the same holiday program. If your child/ren do attend before and/or after school care please email [email protected] with your child/ren’s names and the Vacation Care service you prefer as this will be added to your existing OOSH MFL account.

My child’s Enrolment form will not save?

If the enrolment form won’t save please make sure:

  • The Service to enrol has been selected from the drop down list at the top left of the enrolment form (if you cannot see the names of the Services you may need to increase your screen size).
  • All mandatory questions marked with a red asterisk have been answered and the terms have been agreed to along with the CCS Enrolment Agreement. (A couple of questions that may be missed are under the Child Information section, “Primary Language” and “Cultural Background” these need to be selected from the drop down list).
  • Ensure all phone numbers have 10 digits (area code of 02 in landline numbers) and that there are no spaces in them.
  • Ensure no symbols are used (i.e. “&” should be “and”, no slashes, etc.).

Scroll through the document and any mandatory questions not answered, or incorrectly answered, will be highlighted in red and an explanation given at the top of the enrolment form.

You will not be able to proceed to the Payment Details through Debitsuccess until all mandatory questions have been answered and your form will not save until all this has been completed.

My Enrolment form has been successfully saved, what now?
It is very important to then click on the “submit” button to ensure your child’s enrolment form is received by us.

How do I make initial permanent bookings?
All permanent bookings must be made online through your My Family Lounge account via our website, by clicking on “new request”. Permanent bookings are not available to make through the My Family Lounge phone app at this time.

I am receiving a message that I already have an existing booking. What should I do?
If you are receiving this message you will need to scroll down to “current bookings” and click on the “edit” button beside the most recent booking to make your request there (see below).

How do I make a change to the days I require for permanent bookings or request permanent bookings for a new school year?

All changes to permanent bookings or requests for a new school year must be done online through your My Family Lounge account via our website. Scroll down to “current bookings” and click on the “edit” button beside the most recent booking to make your request there. You will need to request all the days you wish to book as per your new requirements (including the days that you wish to retain) as our system will automatically close off your previous booking. The start date should be the Monday beginning the week you wish your changes to take effect, as we need 14 days’ notice for any permanent booking changes.

If you wish to cancel your permanent bookings outright this cannot be done via your My Family Lounge account at this stage. You will need to contact the relevant Kids Club and/or Head Office in writing (via email) with at least 14 days’ notice.

What if I need my permanent bookings on a fortnightly basis?
If you need a special request (i.e. fortnightly bookings) you can include a note in the comments box when making your booking. This will alert us to make the necessary adjustments at Head Office.

What happens after I make my permanent booking request?
We will see your request on our waitlist at Head Office which will prompt us to make you an offer on bookings. When you receive our offer email you will need to log in to your MFL account through our website (this cannot be done via the MFL phone app) and accept the booking prior to the offer expiry date – this is imperative otherwise your booking will not be confirmed and won’t show on our roll and you may risk missing out on the days that you require.

How do I make casual bookings?
On your Enrolment Management page in your My Family Lounge account click on “Add Casual Booking”, select Child, Service and Room from the drop down list on the casual calendar page. Click on the days you wish to book, book your selected day and when finished remember to save. You will only be able to book 14 days in advance and if the day has reached capacity, you will not be able to book for that day.

How do I make Vacation Care/pupil free day bookings?

Please make these bookings through our casual booking calendar, NOT as a “new booking” request as this does not constitute a booking and by the time we are able to make contact you may miss out on the day you require as our program fills up very quickly. On your Enrolment Management page click on “Add Casual Booking”, select Child, Service and Room from the drop down list on the casual calendar page. Click on the days you wish to book (one at a time), book your selected day and when finished remember to save. If the day has reached capacity it will be marked red you will not be able to book for that day. Remember you can also book through the My Family Lounge phone app.

My child is not showing in the My Family Lounge app?
You have not yet submitted your child’s online enrolment form to us.

How do I advise of any cancellations/absences?

Cancellations for permanent bookings can be done through the My Family Lounge app on your phone with no less than 14 days’ notice. Otherwise this may be done in writing (emailed to the relevant Kids Club and cc’d to Head Office) with at least 14 days’ notice. No fees will apply for cancellations.

If you need to cancel your routine bookings outright you need to contact head office as this cannot be done through your My Family Lounge account.

Casual bookings, including vacation care/pupil free days, can’t be cancelled and only marked as absent. Full fees will apply.

Absences. If 14 days’ notice of cancellation cannot be given (usually in the case of illness) for any bookings, your child’s absence must be advised and can be marked as such through the My Family Lounge app on your phone (or online for casual bookings only), otherwise you will need to contact the Kids Club direct or Head Office. Advising the school does not constitute notification to OOSH Northern Beaches. Absences are usually due to illness and fees will still apply for that day.